What is American Dream Play House?

The American Dream Comes in All Sizes!

The REALTOR® Association has always taken pride in being part of the communities we serve and as a result, REALTORS® not only help make the dream of homeownership a reality, they also help build better communities. In small towns and large cities across the globe, REALTORS® help shape and promote community values, giving their time and effort to noble causes.

As leaders of both the community and real estate, it is important to come together as one voice to let the consumers know that there has never been a better time to invest in the American Dream. Rates are low, inventory is at a premium and most importantly, the dream is once again within reach for many Americans who may not have had an opportunity in the past.

The Worcester Regional Association of REALTORS® has once again partnered with Habitat for Humanity and will be raffling off a Child’s Dream House to one lucky recipient. The house will be displayed at the Solomon Pond Mall in Marlboro for the month of May and chances to enter the drawing are only $10.00 a ticket!

Win your chance at this dream today!

Why Partners with  Habitat for Humanity?

When determining which groups we could partner with in our fundraising efforts, it became apparent that Habitat for Humanity would be the perfect “fit” as “Partnership” is the word most commonly associated with Habitat for Humanity. Their mission of providing assistance to others who are willing to provide a hand up – not a handout – to a better life and the “American Dream” of home ownership ties directly with the mission of the REALTOR® Association where we work on behalf of America’s property owners by providing a facility for professional development, research and exchange of information among its members and to the public and government for the purpose of preserving the free enterprise system, and the right to own, use, and transfer real property

—————————- RULES & REGULATIONS —————————–

  • The playhouse will be on display at the Solomon Pond in Marlboro from May 4 – May 20.
  • Chances are $10 each and 100% of the net ticket sales go DIRECTLY to Habitat for Humanity.
  • Each day a finalist’s name will be drawn from that day’s ticket sales. If no tickets are sold on that day, no name will be drawn. Purchase tickets on a variety of days for the best chance!
  • Each day’s finalist will be eligible to attend  the AMERICAN DREAM DAY PARTY, which will be held at the Solomon Pond Mall on May 20, 2012.
  • In addition to a daily finalist, we will draw 10 additional names from all ticket sales to give entries a second chance at winning!
  • One lucky finalist will be drawn to WIN THEIR OWN DREAM PLAYHOUSE on May 20, 2012.
  • All finalists will receive a special goody bag. EVERYONE is a winner.
  • The winner of the American Dream Playhouse will have the sole responsibility of making arrangements to pick up the house from the Worcester Regional Association of REALTORS®.
  • You do not need to be present to win.
  • Buy a ticket in person at the Solomon Pond Mall and receive a FREE Homeowner’s Maintenance Guide!
  • For more info, contact Jacki D’Innocenzo, Programs & Events Coordinator, at the Worcester Regional Association of REALTORS® at 508.832.6600.